Mr. William Shakespeare presents
"The tragedy of Julius Caesar"
to the third grade A
(Solfanelli - Chieti) |
The birth of the story |
This story is dedicated to my father and my mother |

Ninel' Podgornaja:
Mafalda of Savoia-Assia |
Everything started in my home in Turin, the evening I invited Marco Solfanelli to dinner: a good menu, a good glass of freisa from Chieriand a friendly conversation to resume a relationship of friendship and mutual esteem. I have known Marco Solfanelli since 2010, when I proposed the publication of a biography of Mafalda of Savoy written by the Russian Ninel 'Podgornaja and never translated and published in the West.
Since then, contacts have intensified, meetings, book presentations in Chieti and Turin, other publications by Russian authors. I also remember his father, Marino Solfanelli, a refined writer and journalist of the Tempo of Rome, to whom Marco was linked by deep filial love and great admiration.


William Shakespeare at the Castle
of the Stone
That evening, therefore, we talked a little about everything: projects, literary and editorial activities, the general socio-economic situation, in short, of the more and the less as is usual among good friends who meet from time to time but who are always present into their thinking. I had recently published a text for children on Shakespeare with the Effatà editions: William Shakespeare at the Castle of the Stone and I gave it to him as a tribute. |
Marco looked at it carefully then told me that it would not be bad to propose Shakespeare's works by reworking them for young readers. There and then I was perplexed; I replied that in the world there are hundreds of shakespearean editions adapted for children, some deserving, others unfortunately wretched and that there was no need to put one more in circulation. No, it wouldn't be bad at all, Marco insisted convinced.
. In short, the project had been proposed and to carry it out it was only necessary to choose the work on which to work. I immediately thought of Hamlet or Romeo and Juliet but, at the same time, I was working on a new detective story with Effatà centered on a wargame inspired by Julius Caesar's De bello Gallico: Sherlock Holmes and the conquest of Gaul – The diabolic wargame scam. And the choice could not be other than the beautiful tragedy of Julius Caesar.

Sherlock Holmes and the conquest of Gaul – The diabolic wargame scam.